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张坤 Dr. Zhang, Kun


Associate Professor, Ph.D.



【师生开放交流时间Student open hour

星期五 13:00-16:00

         Friday 13:00-16:00

【办公地点Office room

         Room 417

近期研究兴趣Recent research topic


Integrating Big data and AI for the study of tourists’ perception, behavior and destination sustainable development

【教育背景Education background

202107-202208 英国伦敦大学学院巴特莱德建筑学院先进空间分析中心,访问学者

201010-201410 德国卡塞尔大学, 建筑学院,景观生态规划博士

200808-201006 北京大学,城市与环境学院,景观设计学硕士

200409-200806 中国农业大学,农业与生物技术学院,园林专业学士

2021.07-2022.07  University Collage London Academic visitor , The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

2010.10-2014.10  Kassel University (Germany)   Doctoral Degree   College of Architecture    Landscape ecological planning

2008.08-2010.06 Peking University Master Degree  College of Urban and Environmental Sciences   Landscape Architecture

2004.09-2008.06  China Agricutural University   Bachelor Degree   College of Agriculture and Biotechnology  Landscape Architecture





在线慕课:Tourism policy and planning(Futurelearn以及学堂在线上线)

Design and utilization of exhibition buildings and exhibition spaces(Undergraduate)

Design and development of cultural and tourism productsUndergraduate

Methods and Technologies for Spatial Analysis of Geographic Big Data Master course

Frontiers of Urban Tourism and Spatiotemporal Behavior Research(Doctoral course)

Tourism Policy and Planning (MOOCs)

研究与教学项目Research and educational Grants

纵向项目Research Grants

     1. 国家社会科学基金一般项目,基于LBSN人本数据的游居交错区空间共生关系解析及城市更新机会识别研究,21BJY66,2021/09-2024/09, 20万,在研,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于LCA的京津冀乡村地区游憩网络构建,51608278,2017/01-2019/12,20万,结题,主持。

      1. National Social Science Foundation,Identification of spatial symbiosis relationship and urban regeneration opportunities in tourism and residential mixed area with the employment of LBSN data, 2021/03-2024/02, 0.2 million Yuan, under research, Chair.

       2. National Natural Science Foundation, Exploring the way of recreation network planning in rural areas based on the LCA framework, No.51608278, 2017/01-2019/12, 0.2 million Yuan, completed, Chair.

【期刊论文Journal Paper

1. Kun Zhang, Jinyi Zhang, Xiao Shang, Jufeng Yang & Chunlin Li (2023) Linking UGP’s affective and cognitive concepts together for tourism destination image development, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2023.2288161(SSCI, Q1, 一作)

2. Zhang, K. and J. Zhang, et al. (2023). "The influence of human elements in photographs on tourists' destination perceptions and intentions." Tourism Management 95: 104684.(SSCI, Q1, 一作)

3. Bi, J. and Y. Ying Wang, Tian-Yu Han and Kun Zhang (2023). "Exploring the effect of “home feeling” on the online rating of homestays: a three-dimensional perspective." International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.(SSCI, Q1, 四作)

4. 陈晔 马季振 李恒云 张坤 陈刚 金颖 徐虹 唐晓云 曹智辉 裴嘉晖 潘冰. 科技赋能旅游业高质量发展:实践路径与研究议题[J]. 旅游导刊.202375):1~22.CHEN Ye, MA Jizhen, LI Hengyun, et al. Technology sability to empower high-quality tourism development: Practical paths and research issuesJ.Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2023, 7(5):1~22.

5. 张坤, 张津沂. 基于图片大数据与计算机视觉的旅游研究多元化走向. 旅游论坛, 2022,15(1), 16-18. DOI:10.15962/j.cnki.tourismforum.202201001.中文,一作)

6. Chen, H., Jiao, Y., Li, X., Zhang, K. (2021). Family tourism: Interpersonal interaction, existential authenticity and quality of tourist experience. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 28: 82-94.(SSCI, Q3, 四作)

7. Kun Zhang, Jinyi Zhang, Chunlin Li, Yan Jiiao and Ying Wang (2021). Tourists’ perceptions of urban space: a computer vision approach. Tourism Review, ahead-of-print. DOI10.1108/TR-06-2020-0287(SSCI, Q2, 一作)

8. Kun Zhang, Hanqin Qiu, Jingyue Wang, Chunlin Li, Jinyi Zhang and Dora Dongzhi Chen (2021). Tourist gaze through computer vision: where, what, how and why? Tourism Review. (SSCI, Q2, 一作) doi: 10.1108/TR-04-2020-0185

9. Zhang, K, Hongyu Wang*, Jingyue Wang, Chunlin Li, Jinyi Zhang (2021). Nature-based experiential learning as a framework for preparing responsible tourism practitioners. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education.doi: .1016/j.jhlste.2020.100297(SSCI, Q3, 一作)

10. Zhang, K., Chen, Y., Lin, Z. (2020). Mapping destination images and behavioral patterns from user-generated photos: a computer vision approach. Aisa pacific journal of tourism research, 25(11), 1199-1214.(SSCIQ3,一作)

11. Zhang, K., Lin, Z., Zhang, J. (2020). Tourist gaze through computer vision: Differences between Asian, North American, and European tourists. Annals of Tourism Research, 103039. SSCIJCR5.908Q1,一作

12. Zhang, K., Chen, Y., & Li, C. (2019). Discovering the tourists' behaviors and perceptions in a tourism destination by analyzing photos' visual content with a computer deep learning model: The case of Beijing. Tourism Management, 75, 595-608.SSCIJCR6.012Q1,一作

13. Chen, D., Zhang, K., Li, C. (2020). Factors Affecting the Training Needs of Tourism Planners: Evidence from Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-10.ESCI, 通讯作者

14. Kun Zhang, Dongzhi Chen & Chunlin Li (2019): How are Tourists Different? - Reading Geo-tagged Photos through a Deep Learning Model, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/1528008X.2019.1653243 ESCI, 一作

15. Zhang, K.*, Wang, H., Zhang, J., Zhu, M. (2020). Discovering tourists' perception about food by AI and NI. In Y. Luo, J. Jiang & D. Bi (Eds.), Tourism Product Development in China, Asian and European Countries (pp. 25-42). Singapore: Springer. ISTP, 一作/通讯)

16. Zhang, K., Li, H., Zhang, J., & Li, C (2019). Exploring the big pictorial data for tourists’ perception analysis through three deep learning models, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM). Japan. 450-456.doi:10.3233/FAIA190210.EI, 一作

17. Kun Zhang*, Qinghui Li, Hongyu Wang, Dongzhi Chen (2019). Exploring the Presence of Tourists’ Photos Through Algorithmic Visual Content Analysis. e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), Vol. 17, No. 2, 2019,110-121.Scopus, 一作, 通讯

18. 张坤,苏欣蕾,苏凯红(2021).基于POI大数据的京津冀旅游资源空间分异研究.地域开发与研究.40(01), 103-108. Kun Zhang, Xinlei Su, Kaihong Su (2021). Research on the distribution characteristic of tourism resources and its influencing factors in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region based on POI big data, Regional development and research, 40(01), 103-108 (Chinese, CSSCI-E, 一作)

19. 张坤,李春林,张津沂. 基于旅游图片大数据的入境游客偏好及行为时空演变研究——以北京市为例. 旅游学刊, 2020, 35(08), 61-70. Zhang Kun*, Li Chunlin, Zhang Jinyi. A study on the spatio-temporal evolution of inbound tourists' preferences and behaviors based on the big picturioal data. Tourism tribune, 2020 (8). (Chinese, CSSCI,一作、通讯)

20. 徐虹, 张坤. 解决两类问题, 发展乡村旅游. 渤海早报, 2015.5.19.  Xu Hong, Zhang Kun. Solving two kinds of problems and developing rural tourism. Bohai morning, May 19, 2015. (Chinese)

21. 张坤. 深圳大芬城中村居住空间与产业发展评价研究.现代城市研究[J]. 2014(3): 91-95.  Zhang Kun*. The evaluation of residential space and industrial development of "village in city" in Dafen, Shenzhen. Modern urban research [J]. 2014 (3): 91-95. (Chinese, CSSCI-E,独作)

22. 张坤. 欧洲城市河流与开放空间耦合关系研究——以英国伦敦、德国埃姆舍地区公园为例. 城市规划[J]. 2013 (06): 80-84. Zhang Kun*. A study on the coupling relationship between urban rivers and open space in Europe. Urban planning [J]. 2013 (06): 80-84. (Chinese, CSSCI,独作)

23. 张坤. 案例集粹-几何地形设计的空间体验以柏林城市景观为例.国际城市规划[J], 2011(5):117-120. Zhang Kun*. Spatial experience of geometric terrain design. International Urban Planning [J], 2011 (5): 117-120. (Chinese, CSSCI-E,独作)

24. 张坤. 以生态人类学视角解读景观设计——从《设计结合自然》到《生存的艺术》 [J]. 沈阳建筑大学学报. 2010(12),3. Zhang Kun*. Interpretation of landscape design from the perspective of Ecological Anthropology[J]. Journal of Shenyang University of architecture. 2010 (12), 3. (Chinese,独作)

25. 李迪华, 张坤. 低影响发展模式——可持续城市规划、景观设计与市政工程途径[J]. 江苏城市规划, 2009, 8(177):21-25. Li Dihua, Zhang Kun. Low impact development model: sustainable urban planning, landscape design and municipal engineering approach [J]. Jiangsu urban planning, 2009, 8 (177): 21-25. (Chinese,二作)

【会议论文Conference Paper

1. 尚校,姜春宇,智媛,张坤*Digital nomad as new lifestyle confront existential anxiety: Motivation-experience-transformation cycle, 2023《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会

2. 张津沂,曾育婕,张坤*,旅游领域中的阈限:研究综述与展望,2023《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会

3. 张坤,王婧悦,张津沂*,王颖,曾育婕,增益还是约束?基于场地实验的LBAR技术对游客体验质量与行为意愿的影响研究2022中国旅游研究年会优秀会议论文。

4. 张坤,曾育婕*,王颖,绿色促进消费?民宿主图绿色景观元素对消费者预订行为的影响研究,2022中国旅游研究年会优秀会议论文。

5. Zhang Kun & Wang Ying. (2022).Decoding the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Airbnb market by employing the VAR model——the case of London, Inaugural Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Annual Research Symposium, Macau, China.

6. Zhang Kun & Wang Ying. (2022). Airbnb’s supply-demand dynamic during the pandemic and the urban resilient- the case of London, ICHRIE 2022, Washington, DC USA (Stand-up presentation).

7. Zhang Kun, Zeng Yujie, Wang Ying & Zhang Jinyi. (2022). Does Green promote consumption? A Study on the impact of green landscape elements of cover page photograph on consumers' booking behavior, APacCHRIE 2022, Malaysia (Stand-up presentation).

8. Zhang Jinyi & Zhang Kun. (2021). The influence of human images on tourists’ destination perception and behavioural intentions, APacCHRIE 2021, Singapore (Stand-up presentation).

9. Wang Jingyue, Zhang Kun* & Zhang Jinyi. (2021). Exploring tourists’ acceptation, behavior, and perception about location-based augmented reality, APacCHRIE 2021, Singapore (Stand-up presentation).

10. Qinghui, Li, Hanqin Qiu, Kun, Zhang and Junjiao, Zhang (2020). The effect of Emotional contagion on tourist behavioral Intention: evidence from online reviews in COVID-19 pandemic, APacCHRIE 2020, HongKong, China.

11. Kun Zhang, Qinghui Li, Hongyu Wang, Dongzhi Chen (2020). Exploring the Presence of Tourists’ Photos Through Algorithmic Visual Content Analysis. Enter2020London, England (Oral presentation)

12. 张坤,李春林,张津沂. 基于旅游图片大数据的入境游客偏好及行为时空演变研究——以北京市为例.2019旅游学刊中国旅游研究年会 (会议优秀论文奖)Zhang Kun*, Li Chunlin, Zhang Jinyi. A study on the spatio-temporal evolution of inbound tourists' preferences and behaviors based on the big picturioal data. China Tourism annual conference. (best paper)

13. Zhang, K., & Li, C (2019). Employing geo-tagged photos for tourist comparison with the help of deep learning model, International Conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management 2019, Tianjin, China (Oral presentation)

14. Zhang, K., & Zhang, J (2019). The tourists' photos as the linkage between destination cognitive and affective image, International Conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management 2019, Tianjin, China (Oral presentation)

15. Zhang, K (2019). Computer vision technology as a new perspective for the analysis of user generated photos in destination image study, International Conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management 2019., Tianjin, China (Oral presentation)

16. Kun Zhang (2016). Recreational tourism as a tool for rural regeneration. Conference of hospitality and tourism management in Surrey university, London, England. (Oral presentation)

【研究生 master student



  3、曾育婕(2022-2025,学硕在读)邮箱zzzengyujie@163.com, 电话18822188566

  4、姜春宇(2023-2026,学硕在读)邮箱1031616039@qq.com, 电话13754882127

  5、智媛(2023-2026,学硕在读)邮箱2091197862@qq.com, 电话13593217124

  6、尚校(2022-2025,MTA专硕在读)邮箱841993200@qq.com, 电话 13551358761

(更新于2024年1月4日, updated at 4th, January,2024)


